Engr. Gazi Abu Raihan
B.Sc in mechanical engineering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Bangladesh
Mr. Raihan has been working as The Director with RootTop Limited since 29th March 2023. Started career in 1995 in the field of sales, marketing & operations at a leading National or Multinational Company and add value to the company with skill and innovation to achieve greater responsibilities and Golden handshake from NAVANA Group on 2014.
28 Year – Working experience in the Power and construction equipments Sales, Purchase, Service, customer support and Marketing of power plant equipments like Steam power, diesel Engine or gas engine power or coal power, combined power, Wind Solar hybrids power, Street lighting of LED and solar, and renewable power project like hydro, solar or wind. With Private organizations and Government organization like BPDB, PGCB, Power Cell and Energy Regulatory commission in Bangladesh (BERC), PWD, Petrobangla and LGED. Experienced in to procurement of project in private sectors and follow up the projects in Government organization like BPDB, PGCB, Power Cell and Energy Regulatory commission in Bangladesh (BERC).